Over the past decade, QUESCREN has published important research on topics related to education and community vitality in Quebec. Additional publications and materials relevant to the field of education are listed on the Other Resources page.

Our Research in Focus video capsules highlight recent studies on English-language education in Quebec. They showcase what has inspired today’s researchers, what questions have driven them and what impact they hope to have on the education community.

The English-Language Education in Quebec Podcast features thoughtful conversations on Quebec’s English-language education. Researchers, administrators, teachers, students, and community members provide a variety of perspectives.

Our infographics tell the stories behind the numbers. They are visual summaries and illustrated explorations of educational statistics and data on topics relevant to Quebec’s English-language education sector. The infographics can be help stakeholders make evidence-informed decisions.

Research and storytelling come together in this innovative and dynamic series. Using the StoryMaps app, we enrich existing research studies with added multimedia to enable interactive learning. Our StoryMaps address topics of importance and interest to the English-language education sector in Quebec.