To explore the multimedia version of the briefs with added digital materials providing further information and context, see our collection of StoryMaps.
The video recording of the launch event for the briefs is available here.
QUESCREN Brief 1, June 2021, Revised September 2023
Decline of Enrolment in Quebec’s English-Language School Sector
By Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre
With Patrick Donovan and Lorraine O’Donnell
QUESCREN Brief 2, June 2021, revised September 20243
Representation of English-Speakers in Quebec’s Education Ministries and Curriculum Development
By Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre
With Patrick Donovan and Lorraine O’Donnell
QUESCREN Brief 3, June 2021, revised September 2023
Challenges around Resources and Services in Quebec’s English-Language Schools
By Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre
With Patrick Donovan and Lorraine O’Donnell
QUESCREN Brief 4, June 2021, revised September 2023
Provision of Services to Special Needs Students in Quebec’s English-Language Public Schools
By Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre
With Patrick Donovan and Lorraine O’Donnell
QUESCREN Brief 5, June 2021, revised September 2023
The Demography of Quebec’s English-Language Schools: Complexity, Changes, and Community Issues
By Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre
With Patrick Donovan and Lorraine O’Donnell
QUESCREN Brief 6, June 2021, revised September 2023
Issues of Bilingual Education in Quebec’s English-Language Schools
By Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre
With Patrick Donovan and Lorraine O’Donnell
QUESCREN Brief 7, June 2021, revised September 2023
Outmigration of Quebec’s English-Speaking Youth
By Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre
With Patrick Donovan and Lorraine O’Donnell
QUESCREN Brief 8, June 2021, revised September 2023
The Community School Network in Quebec’s Official Language Minority (OLM) Education Sector
By Patricia Lamarre, Debbie Horrocks, and Emma Legault