Priority issues and challenges within Quebec’s English-language education sector


  • Nadine Ciamarra, Instructional Designer, KnowledgeOne
  • Patricia Lamarre, Professor, Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université de Montréal

Moderator: Debbie Horrocks, LEARN

At this Lunch & Learn, the Briefs’ authors, Nadine Ciamarra and Patricia Lamarre, talked about how the series came about and some key findings on issues including:

  • Decline of enrolment in English-language schools
  • Representation of English Speakers in Quebec’s Education Ministries and curriculum development
  • Challenges around resources and services
  • Provision of services to special needs students

About the research briefs

These eight briefs focus on priority issues and challenges within Quebec’s English-language education sector, as identified by QUESCREN’s Inter-Level Educational Table (ILET).

Recently, the briefs were updated and enriched with digital materials using the StoryMaps app.

To view the briefs in PDF format, go to our Publications page.