Dr. Paul Zanazanian, Associate Professor in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University, talks about his work on historical consciousness and intergroup attitudes among Francophones and Anglophones, the Quebec History program and its teachers and the English-speaking community’s quest for vitality.
Suggested reference for this podcast episode:
Aloisio, A. (Host) & Zanazanian, P. (Guest). (2024, February 16). History Teaching in Quebec: Lived Realities and Experiences in the English-Language Sector [Audio podcast episode]. In The English-Language Education in Quebec Podcast. ILET Research Hub. https://ilet-research-hub.ca/history-teaching-in-quebec-lived-realities-and-experiences-in-the-english-language-sector/
About the author
Paul Zanazanian is an associate professor at McGill University. His areas of expertise are in community development, diversity/ethno-cultural subgroups, education, history/heritage, as well as identity.
His work is multifaceted and interdisciplinary. It is set within the Quebec context, with a particular focus on the province’s historic English-speaking minority. He looks at historical consciousness, intergroup attitudes among Francophones and Anglophones, and the English-speaking community’s quest for vitality giving him a specialized expertise in problems of history, community and identity in such complex societies as Quebec.
His work as a professor includes an important social justice component. He seeks to develop strategies to overcome obstacles that limit fundamental rights and freedoms, human dignity and authenticity as well as all forms of cooperation that lead to improving the quality of common future life.