Rethinking the High School Learning Model
“If one could do high school differently, what would YOU do?”
Find out what educational experts, researchers, practitioners and students have to say on this question
This webinar looked at how the NEXTschool initiative challenges existing structures and strategies to enhance student achievements. It does this through the integration of both classroom-based and experiential learning. It seeks to reform traditional high school teaching methods and encourages students to engage and find meaning in the learning experience based on three essential principles: Flexibility, Belonging and Relevance.
- Lisa Starr, McGill University (Lead Researcher)
- Noel Burke, nEDworks Consulting (Project Architect)
- Felicia LeBlanc, Howard S. Billings High School (School Administrator)
- Sandy Grant, Howard S. Billings High School (Middle School Teacher)
Moderators: Vanessa Gold & Aron Rosenberg – McGill University